Saturday 15th February, 2025

Footscray Games

This chapter has a collection of streaming videos of some of the most exciting games in the history of the Footscray Football Club. These videos are fairly large in size due to the video length and the quality that has been retained. The streaming videos will gradualy load depending on the speed of your internet connection. It is recommended that you allow a portion of the video to load before you start playing it to ensure there are no interuptions to the stream while the video loads.

To watch the following videos you will need the Flash plugin installed. If the footage appears then the plugin is already installed on your computer and you can click the ‘Play’ button to watch the video. If you don’t have flash installed you can get it by clicking this link.

Whilst most of these games conclude triumphantly, it has to be said that sadly not all have a happy ending. The scores have deliberately not been given, what is the point of disclosing them? So hang around and find out for yourself. If you can’t wait- go to the AFL Tables Website the dates of these games are here with the action, so you can find the results comfortably through AFL Tables.


So sit back and enjoy- and there is always more to come.

1954 vs. Melbourne 1954 vs. Melbourne 1954 vs. Melbourne 1954 vs. Melbourne
Some action from all quarters
Narrator: Ted Whitten Snr
Some of the Footscray cast
John Kerr #1, Arthur Edwards #11, Ron Stockman #17,
Dave Bryden #18, Doug Reynolds #28, Ron McCarthy #33
Some of the Melbourne cast
Ken Christie #4, Ian McLean #5, Ken Albiston #6,
Geoff McGivern #17, Ralph Lane #34, Ken Melville #38
“Alan Martin handballs over to Donald – they had a beautiful combination around the half back line picked up by Johnny Kerr best on ground in 54 Grand Final -effort by that player towards Gilmore. A stab pass by Gilmore a beautiful pass hits Jack Collins right on the chest.”
Ted Whitten Snr (circa 1991)
Saturday 25 September 1954 from the M.C.G.
1961 vs. Hawthorn 1961 vs. Hawthorn
1964 vs. Essendon 1964 vs. Essendon
Extended highlights of the first quarter Some of the last quarter
Commentators: Michael Williamson, Bert Deacon, Geoff Raymond & Reg Hickey Commentators: Don Hyde, Jim Taylor and Keith Drinan
Some of the Hawthorn cast Some of the Essendon cast
Les Kaine #1, Malcolm Hill #11, Ian Mort #14
John Cunningham #19, Steadman Hay #20, Reg Poole #29
Terry Rodgers #2, Lindsay McGie #4, Geoff Gosper #6,
Barry Capuano #12, Graham Beissel #29, Paul Doran #36
Some of the Footscray cast Some of the Footscray cast
Bob Ware #4, Keith Beamish #6, Cameron McDonald #9,
Alex Gardiner #12, John Hoiles #23, Jack Slattery #24
Frank Johnson #11, Rob Taylor #12, Ken Duff #16,
John Jillard #25, Barry Smith #31, Ivan Marsh #33
“Has a second bite of the cherry and puts it though, that’s his second, Johnny Quarrell’s second” “Coutts baulks and turns around handballs to Hobbs he couldn’t miss, its a goal and its Merv Hobbs’ third”
– Mike Williamson – Jim Taylor
Saturday 23rd September 1961 from the M.C.G Saturday 13 June 1964 from Windy Hill
1961 vs. Hawthorn 1961 vs. Hawthorn
1978 vs. St Kilda 1978 vs. St Kilda 1978 vs. St Kilda 1978 vs. St Kilda
Most of the last quarter
Commentators: Geoff Leek and Peter Booth
Some of the Footscray cast
Glenn Scanlan #15, Alby Smedts #17, Richard Murrie #26,
Ross Abbey #30, John Reid #33, Garry Wheeler #39
Some of the St Kilda cast
Robert Elliot #13, Maurice O’Keefe #15, Ian Baker #20,
Dale Evans #22, Russell Tweeddale #23, Ian Sartori #49
“Stoneham got up high, Dunstan back with a bit of a flick, Di Natale in towards Jennings… Templeton will get a free kick, no he won’t, its going to be a goal….to Scanlan his 2nd, its raining goals at the moment. Footscray’s 25th, there’s no doubt their going to kick the sweep today”
– Peter Booth
Saturday 01 July 1978 from Western Oval

The following videos are returning soon:

  • Footscray vs. Carlton – Round 21, 1973
  • Richmond vs. Footscray – Round 22, 1973
  • Footscray vs. Essendon – Round 4, 1979
  • Essendon vs. Footscray – Round 14, 1979
  • Hawthorn vs. Footscray – Round 4, 1983
  • Richmond vs. Footscray – Round 5, 1983
  • Footscray vs. Collingwood – Round 10, 1984
  • Carlton vs. Footscray – Round 1, 1985
  • Footscray vs. North Melbourne – Round 2, 1985
  • Footscray vs. Geelong – Round 3, 1985
  • Footscray vs. Essendon – Round 5, 1985
  • Hawthorn vs. Footscray – Round 9, 1985
  • Footscray vs. Collingwood – Round 10, 1985
  • Footscray vs. St Kilda – Round 11, 1985
  • Geelong vs. Footscray – Round 14, 1985
  • Collingwood vs. Footscray – Round 21, 1985
  • North Melbourne vs. Footscray – Round 22, 1993